Spring 2025 Semester Dates:

Start: January 8, 2025 – ALL TRADES

End: May 20, 2025 – Electrical, EST, and Sheet Metal

End: May 28, 2025 – Plumbing and Pipefitting

sheet metal material

Trainees are responsible for meeting the program requirements and purchasing the appropriate textbooks prior to the semester start date. Allow 2-3 weeks for shipping. There will be no in-house sales. Please see the links below, which are listed by trade, class year, and semester. 

IMPORTANT: All students are required to have their textbooks by the first night of class.

To purchase books, click on the appropriate textbook links below which opens to the NCCER/Pearson website. Verify you have selected the correct textbook edition. If you have questions after the order is completed contact NCCER/Pearson customer service, HERE.


Electronic Systems Technician

Core: 1st Year/ 1st Semester

Please refer to the Electrical textbook section above for a list of required texts for your particular year and semester.

1st Year/ 2nd Semester

Please refer to the Electrical textbook section above for a list of required texts for your particular year and semester.

2nd Year/ 1st & 2nd Semester
Textbooks can be found as an eText on your NCCERconnect portal.
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Goss at 858-703-5412.
3rd Year/ 1st & 2nd Semester
Textbooks can be found as an eText on your NCCERconnect portal.
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Goss at 858-703-5412.


Core: 1st Year/1st Semester
1st Year/2nd Semester

    1. Plumbing Level 1, 5th Edition
    2. Supplemental: Welding Safety (Individual Module): ISBN 9780134165806 — Please place your order by calling Pearson at 1-800-624-0023 and pay with a credit card
    3. Supplemental: Welding Oxyfuel Cutting (Individual Module): ISBN 9780134182681 — Please place your order by calling Pearson at 1-800-624-0023 and pay with a credit card

2nd Year/1st Semester
  1. Plumbing Level 2, 5th Edition
  2. Supplemental: Pipefitting Trade Math Cutting (Individual Module): ISBN 9780135811283 — Please place your order by calling Pearson at 1-800-624-0023 and pay with a credit card
2nd Year/2nd Semester
  1. Plumbing Level 2, 5th Edition
  2. Supplemental: Pipefitting Advanced Trade Math (Individual Module): ISBN 9780137487295 — Please place your order by calling Pearson at 1-800-624-0023 and pay with a credit card
    Supplemental: Pipefitting Advanced Blueprint Reading (Individual Module): ISBN 9780137487509 — Please place your order by calling Pearson at 1-800-624-0023 and pay with a credit card
3rd Year/1st Semester
  1. Plumbing 3, 4th Edition
  2. Supplemental: Pipefitting Introduction to Aboveground Pipe Installation (Individual Module): ISBN 9780137487455 — Please place your order by calling Pearson at 1-800-624-0023 and pay with a credit card
3rd Year/2nd Semester
  1. Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) 2018 Edition
  2. Supplemental: Pipefitting Standards and Specifications (Individual Module): ISBN 9780137487370 — Please place your order by calling Pearson at 1-800-624-0023 and pay with a credit card
4th Year/1st Semester
  1. Plumbing 4, 4th Edition
  2. Supplemental: Welding SMAW Equipment and Setup Trainee Guide (Individual Module): ISBN 9780134180274 — Please place your order by calling Pearson at 1-800-624-0023 and pay with a credit card
    Supplemental: Welding SMAW Electrodes Trainee Guide (Individual Module): ISBN 9780134180267 — Please place your order by calling Pearson at 1-800-624-0023 and pay with a credit card
4th Year/2nd Semester
  1. Plumbing 4, 4th Edition
  2. Supplemental: Welding Base Metal Preparation Trainee Guide (Individual Module): ISBN 9780134140438 — Please place your order by calling Pearson at 1-800-624-0023 and pay with a credit card
    Supplemental: Welding SMAW-Groove Welds with Backing Trainee Guide (Individual Module): ISBN 9780134180250 — Please place your order by calling Pearson at 1-800-624-0023 and pay with a credit card


Core: 1st Year/1st Semester

Please refer to the Plumbing textbook section above for a list of required texts for your particular year and semester.

1st Year/2nd Semester

Please refer to the Plumbing textbook section above for a list of required texts for your particular year and semester.


2nd Year/1st & 2nd Semester

Please refer to the Plumbing textbook section above for a list of required texts for your particular year and semester.


3rd Year/1st Semester

Please refer to the Plumbing textbook section above for a list of required texts for your particular year and semester.


3rd Year/2nd Semester

Please refer to the Plumbing textbook section above for a list of required texts for your particular year and semester.


4th Year/1st & 2nd Semester

Please contact Dana Mitteer at 858-703-5412.

5th Year/1st & 2nd Semester

Please contact Dana Mitteer at 858-703-5412.

Sheet Metal

Please contact Dana Mitteer at 858-703-5412.